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(The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is a 501(c)(3) organization and is approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as an organization to whom tax deductible gifts can be made pursuant to Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.)

Current Department Officers

"The officers of the Department of Texas and Louisiana are elected at an Annual Encampment. The term of office is from the end of that Encampment until the next Encampment. The current officers for 2023-2024 are listed below.

Department Commander

Timothy M. Phillips, PCC


Senior Vice Commander
Brook J. Thomas

Junior Vice Commander
John Vander Meulen, CC
Donald L. Gates, PDC

Patriotic Instructor
William Elliott

Stephen D. Schulze, PDC
Michael L. Lance PDC

Civil War Memorials
Charles W. Sprague, PDC

Graves Registration
Terry T. Sutton
John E. Schneider Sr., PDC

Department Organizer
Blair Rudy, PDC

Department Signals Officer
John Vander Meulen. CC

Assistant Signals Officer
Larry "Joe" Reynolds

Eagle Scout Coordinator
John E. Schneider Sr., PDC
Daniel Pourreau

Council Member
Charles W. Sprague, PDC

Council Member
Dr. Stevenson T. Holmes, PDC
Council Member
Tony "Bo" Vets, PDC



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