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DONATIONS may be made to the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and are fully tax deductible

(The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is a 501(c)(3) organization and is approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as an organization to whom tax deductible gifts can be made pursuant to Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.)

Roster of Camps

The Camp organization is the backbone of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The following web sites for the Camps of the Department of Texas and Louisiana provide information about their meetings, programs, preservation work and other activities.

A Camp does not have geographical boundaries for membership. You are encouraged to choose any Camp, whether based on your historical interests, the activities of the Camp, or the convenience of the meeting place and time.

General James J. Byrne Camp #1
Fort Worth, Texas
Camp meets bi-monthly for 2024
in both in-person and Zoom-only formats
See our latest Camp Newsletter
at our Camp page link above
for upcoming meetings and events!
Commander: Butch Durham
Secretary: Ky White

Lt Cmdr Edward Lea USN Camp #2
Houston, Texas

Camp meets on the third Saturday of each month (except Aug and Jan) at 10:00 am
Trini Mendenhall Community Center
1414 Wirt Road
Houston, TX 77055
Commander: Daniel Pourreau
Secretary-Treasurer: Stephen Schulze

General Joseph Bailey Camp #5
Shreveport, Louisiana

Camp meets the second Wednesday of each month 6:00 pm
Dinner Belle Restaurant
4803 East End Blvd. South (Hwy 59 S)
Marshall, Texas
Commander: Michael A. Heller
Secretary-Treasurer: Bill Elliott

Colonel E. E. Ellsworth Camp #18
Dallas, Texas

Camp meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm
Heritage Farmstead Museum
1900 West 15th Street
Plano, Texas
Commander: Michael K. Schneider
Secretary-Treasurer: Don Gates



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All Rights Reserved. Limited use rights may be granted by written or electronic permission.