Texas Flag Department of Texas and Louisiana Louisiana Flag

On-Line Order Form for the
Clara Barton Pin

Your full name: (As you want it to appear on your Certificate)

Your complete street address: (Where you want your pin mailed)

Your City State Zip Code

Your telephone number:

Your e-mail address:

How did you hear about the Clara Barton Pin?


Information for the Certificate

This appreciation award is proudly presented to: (Full Name of Recipient)

In Honor Of: (List her service, achievement, or other reason for the award)

By: (List the name and/or organization who is presenting the award)

Certificate Signers Title: (optional)


Designed and Maintained for the Department of Texas and Louisiana, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War by:

Copyright © 2021 - 2025, Department of Texas and Louisiana, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
All Rights Reserved. Limited use rights may be granted by written or electronic permission.