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(The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is a 501(c)(3) organization and is approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as an organization to whom tax deductible gifts can be made pursuant to Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.)


Current Camp Officers

The General James J. Byrne Camp #1, Department of Texas and Louisiana elects officers every year and their term of office is for one year. The current officers are listed below.

Camp Commander

Butch Durham
Copperas Cove, Texas

Senior Vice Commander

Michael Belcher
Belton, Texas
Junior Vice Commander


Ky White
Abilene, Texas


Ky White
Abilene, Texas

Camp Chaplain

Timothy Phillips
Abilene, Texas

Camp Council

Paul L. Kendall
N. Richland Hills, Texas

Camp Council

Craig A. Reves
Duncanville, Texas

Camp Council

Lewis E. "Gene" Willis
Duncanville, Texas

Patortic Instructor

Ky White
Abilene, Texas

Graves Registration Officer

Todd Wilbur
Sanger, Texas




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